Monday the 13th is SCARY!

Someday I will look back at today and more specifically this blog and laugh. Well at least I hope so. Today has been rough, and I hate to mention negative things or be negative in general because I am typically a pretty happy/smiley person. But here has been my day so far as it played out.

7:30a.m. - Woke up looked at the clock and thought "Oh crap, you're gonna be late for class!"
7:50a.m. - Parked at Starbucks to run inside because the drive-thru line was too long.

7:51 a.m. - I jump out of my truck (which is lifted) and when I do the door began to shut back towards me and the corner of the door slammed into my thigh. At this point I realize I am still 1/2 asleep and woke up in one of those panics which is never a great start to a day. Grrr.... Well no time to fret, lets get my coffee and get back on the road to class.

7:53 a.m. - I realize while driving to class that my coffee keeps dripping/spilling on me and my truck. It seems I couldn't get the lid to seal completely and every bump I hit seemed to spill a little more coffee. Grrrr....

8:15 a.m. I arrive at class coffe stained and splattered. Luckily I had my jacket in my truck so I could fend off the cold wind, but it also doubled as a cover to hide my coffee stains...

9:15 a.m. I leave art appreciation (prereq) class realizing that my Geology test looming just a few hours away and I had better go over my notes, and get more coffee to wake up.

9:45 a.m. - Sitting in It's a Grind coffee house studying I realize that My phone is busted. I shattered the corner of the display screen and there were abstract black spots blocking some of the screen. After thinking for a sec I realize that it must have happened while I was jumping out of my truck to get coffee at Starbuck's before I got to class. The good stuff continues....

1:00 p.m. - I walk into my Geology class feeling moderately confident for the test...
1:45 p.m. (approximately) - I hand my test in knowing that the results ogf my test are not going to be a favorable one. I do not know why I did so poorly, I could have studied better and more yes, but I was confident that I know the material better than what was on the test. The hardest portion was last part where we had to match areas of the earth to the terms given. The problem I had with the areas of the earth was that the illustration was hand drawn by my professor and the lables were not marked clearly which left a lot of room in my mind for misunderstanding. I fear I got a "C+" on the test and that it is going to bring my grade in the class down from the "A" it is now.

3:52 p.m. - I walk out of class feeling frustrated and tired.

4:25 p.m. A letter regarding a person of my past of whom I wish to forget, came in the mail. Someday (I hope) that saga will end and never be heard of again.

That pretty much sums up my day. After writing this maybe it's not so bad. I suppose it will all pass.

On brighter note, this weekend (Early Friday morning through Sunday night)I will be camping in Owens Valley with my Geologic Field Studies class. It should be interesting and a good break from the monotony. I thought about bringing my camera as I am sure the sunsets and area will be awesome to photograph, but I also have to fear theft regarding the situation of other students. I will however bring my trusty Fuji point and shoot. I just bought a new charging cable for it because I couldnt find the old one. The battery life is so incredible with it that I have only charged the camera 3 times in the 1 year I have owned it, so I must have misplaced it the last time I moved.

Wow, that was a lengthy one...
Anyway, I'm going to snap some photos in hopes that it makes me feel better.