Day 2 of school

On my way to class this morning I saw a man holding a sign. No he wasn't a sign flipper... Anyways dressed in a full business suit and a smiling as cars drove by him I wondered what the sign said. As I got closer and proceeded to drive by I was able to see his sign and the message he was advertising. He was advertising himself! His sign said "Will work for Salary." Underneath that it said 20+ years marketing/sales/management experience. I thought to myself what a novel idea! Definitely thinking outside the box if you ask me... It did make me a little bit sad though because it just shows the sad state that our economy is facing and the worst part is that we haven't seen the worst of it. I am not big n negativity at all so on the bright side the man was gone when class was over. He must have landed a lead for a job just on his sher creative approach!

On another note, I would like to wish my Dad Happy Birthday. He turns 1/2 a century today... Unfortunately I wont be able to spend much time with him cuz I need to study and then will be running off to my Soccer game tonight. The dinner celebration should be good though since it brings the fam together. :)

Well gotta run. Here is a couple snaps I took from one of my favorite places in the world... (no not the toilet, LOL)

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