
So tonight I have another soccer game. I love Tuesdays for this reason alone, but once my game is over I get saddened to know I won't be playing for another week. Until next week, where I will start playing on Thursdays as well. This will be good to help keep my butt in shape and maybe get back some of the skills I had 10 years ago when I was playing everyday for hours on end.

I have finally regained my ability to score. The last couple of games I have scored and my ability to connect with the back of the net has not been there since league started 4 weeks ago. I suppose 2 games scoreless isn't bad after coming back after a long break, but I am too competetive not to be scoring regularly. Anyways, I do have to say for being out of shape I have been kickin butt the last couple of weeks. I have been scoring, juking, making awesome runs, and getting lots of assists too! Well we are currently undefeated and and tied for first place with another team (also undefeated). Well we play them tonight and I expect we will have a tough battle ahead. One of our better players has been offered a job which requires going back to Iraq so he is out, and another good player may not continue playing due to other family priorities.

Well It's time to get ready...
