Life has been a rollercoaster lately

Well things have been good, but rough lately. I seem to be constantly exhausted and cannot seem to find the energy to feel normal and sane. Perhaps the schedule I have had for the last year and a half is taking its toll? My schedule is hectic. I have school, work or both every day of every week and it tiring. Three jobs and going to school full time is just too much anymore, and I think there has to be another way...

On the brighter side of things I am waiting to hear back from all my colleges still. CSU Fullerton, Long Beach, SDSU, and UCSD. I have also applied to Chapman, but am a bit behind in finishing what I need to apply there. I am trying to get some letters of recommendation together and also I need to send my transcripts there still...

I have booked another wedding that will happen on May 15th which I am really excited for. :)

Last week I went snowboarding to try to lift my spirits. I left right after my morning class and came right home and got ready to go straight to work. It was a tight squeeze, but I made it work. I had so much fun on the slopes, but on the way home I felt exhausted and at work I felt beat.

Here is a photo from the tour of the USS Midway I took with Sirrene about 6 weeks ago or so...

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