Happy New Year!!!

Things have been going really well since the new year began and I hope they are going well for everyone else as well. I am looking forward to what I think is going to be a great year. Here are some things I am looking forward to accomplishing this year (some long before the year is done).

-Update/finish my website (hope to be done by the time school starts back up in a couple weeks).

-Market myself and my photography better and more. (ongoing)

-Finish my transfer credits for school

-Decide on my top 3-4 universities I want to attend (travel to schools if needed)

-Procrastinate less (this is always an ongoing battle)

-Go for an extended backcountry high elevation camping trip.

-Get back in shape!

-Shoot more. I feel I can always shoot more and need to bring my camera to things I do much more often.

Here are some shots from this last year:

I think this photo was my first paid shoot ever... She needed photos of her and her dog for a children's therapy program she was doing.

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And a shot of one of the ballerinas I shot last year...
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Last year I also got to meet Kevin and Courtney. The two of them are such great people and are great to be around. I was lucky enough to shoot the proposal and will be shooting their wedding later on this year and I am so excited for it!

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Some of the celebrities I have met this year:

Larry Miller

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Dick VanDyke

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Anthony Hopkins

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I shot my first wedding this year as well:

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My trip to Idaho was awesome. Here is my cousin Cameron fishing when we backpacked up into the mountains and camped at Independence lakes around 10,000 feet.

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A shot taken outside of Sun Valley, (Ketchum) Idaho from the car window cruising about 55mph.

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And one in B&W

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My trip to Owens Valley:

Here is a shot of me at fossil falls...
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And Finally a couple of randoms...

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