Renovation & Cleaning

So lately I have been spending a lot of time at my parent's rental house. The renter's left the place quite a mess with trash, holes in walls, damaged valves, leaks, dead trees, grass, etc... The place needs a lot of work. Anyways, so I have been doing a lot of repairs, cleaning, landscaping, etc... I wish I would have taken some before photos, but oh well. The place is starting to finally look habitable again.

Last night after working all day at the house I got to hang out with my nieces Aspen and Aeralyn. It was pretty fun cuz they have such funny personalities. So I was hungry (as usual) and decided we would go out to eat. When I brought up Chinese food, aspen yelled, "YAY! Chinese food!." Aeralyn then screamed, "Chinese Toys!" HAHAHA They crack me up. After long deliberation we were decided to eat at McDonalds for the deciding factor that McDonalds had "My Little Pony," for toys with the kids meals.

Ok well I am off to edit some pictures, and then go work at the house some more or go for a bike ride...