What a busy week...

Well this week has been busy. It doesn't seem like I should be as busy as I am but here I sit behind on things. Saturday I worked and then saw a late movie (11:50 p.m. start time) with a co-worker. We saw "Yes Man," with Jim Carrey which was pretty funny. After that we headed to Denny's for some late night chow and craziness.

Sunday I woke up around 930 and after only 4.5 hours of sleep, I drug myself to my parents rental house to some fix things that the previous renters had destroyed. Let's just say the scene was not pretty and there is a lot of work to be done before it will be ready to rent out again. However, I do have more free time now that I am not in school so hopefully by the second week of January it will be ready to be shown.

After I left there I hung out with my friend Diane for a little bit. We both share a deep passion for photography so we share a lot of stories, tips etc... We are also in business together for weddings so if you know of anyone getting married pass the info along! :) You can check out her work here.

After that I headed to the location where I was to meet up with the Cordova family for some family portraits. They recently adopted a beautiful little girl named Malia.

Here is one from the shoot:
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More Pics & story about the photo to come later... and Yes that is a rock in mid air being thrown by Malia...

After that I met back up with Diane to shoot with her for a little bit. She was shooting a young girl named Gracie and her older brother Tyler. Here is a shot from that quick little shoot...

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It looks like I will have a white Christmas this year. With a little snow from the rain today and it looks like more to come on Wednesday and Thursday. I am headed up to the mountains and will spend the next few days there. So I am not sure if I will get to my blog before the big Holiday, so if I don't talk to you before then...

Happy Holidays and have a Merry Christmas!

One Response so far.

  1. Alisha says:

    hopefully that rock didn't land on your 40D! :)
    she is adorable, love the shots!