This week has flown by!

Man this week has been going by pretty quick! Well Tuesday night, my soccer team payed our first playoff game, and we won! Anyway so now we advance to the quarter finals next week.

School is going ok, I suppose. I bombed my Geology Test last week and I think my score was a D. Which sucks cuz thats really gonna pull my grade down. Luckily, we got an extra credit test yesterday and I completely aced it, so I think it should being my bad test score to a B. It just made me realize that I need to study a bit harder even when I dont understand something. My small misunderstanding led me to bombing my test because the questions compounded. Meaning if you missed one you missed a series which led me to the bad grade...

Today I was coming home and I spotted a brand spankin new Nissan GT-R. Now for those who don't know, this car (Nissan Skyline) has been dreamed about by sport compact fans for many years as it was built in Japan, but never sold here on the U.S. shores. Importing or acquiring them was quite costly (upwards of $100K) plus it was extremely hard to legalize them for the streets, plus more $$$. After halting production of the cars in 2003, many requests flooded to Nissan asking for the return of the fabled Japanese supercar. Well for 2009 they have finally decided to bring them stateside with their new design as well.

Some basic specs...
480 HP
V6 Twin Turbo
All Wheel Drive
193MPH top speed.

Need I go on???

Anyways here are some shots and for more info on it go here and the official site here.

One Response so far.

  1. Alisha says:

    Are you coming to Sarahs tomorrow? Call me!