Halloween Weekend

Well obviously Halloween was on Friday. Feeling a bit lazy and the feeling that I really should stay home and study looming over me I made a decision. On one hand I thought, "How often do I get a friday night off?" and maybe a night out would be good for me... On the other hand I thought, maybe I should relax, stay in and study a little bit.

I decided to throw something together and head out. I went with my friend Crystal (an awesome hairstylist) and we went to this little carnival thing, and then just went and had drinks after. Nothing big, but it was fun to get out and break the routine up which seemed to be the theme of my weekend... On to the pictures which I think speak for themselves.

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And one of me and Crystal after I stole her wig...
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Here is a shot of my brother and his costume. Can you guess who he is supposed to be???

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If you guessed Travis Barker of Blink 182, your right!

Saturday I worked for a bit before heading to Madison's 2nd birthday party. Madison is the incredibly adorable daughter of my best friend Marko and his wife Alisha. You can see some photos and stuff at Alisha's blog.

Sunday morning, Marko Madison and I headed over to Huntington Beach to check out some hot rods, but as it turns out we showed up on the wrong day. Being up early (despite the time change) we had some breakfast over at the Sugar Shack before heading back home.

That was pretty much it. I got to do some studying before class so I am off.

One Response so far.

  1. Alisha says:

    I just saw these for the first time. I don't know how I missed them when I looked at your blog last time. Your costume is awesome! Love it! All of you guys looked good! See you soon!!