The Weekend...

Friday started with my niece Aeralyn waking me up around 730 A.M. She is such a funny little girl, she makes me crack up. She is still young enough that she slurs a lot of words that come out of her mouth and she tries to tie words into sentences. It's fascinating to see her grow into her personality through her little body. She says her best friend is my dog Nitro, but she calls him "Wytro." Seeing them play together is hillarious. She used to be deathly afraid of him when she first met him, but now she cant seem to get enough of him. Here is a quick snapshot of the Hula girl playing with my lens cap, and her hairdo from today...

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And one of the older brother & Sister (Kanyon & Aspen)

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After some breakfast my brother asked if I wanted to go Mtn. Biking. (I have got him hooked on mtn. biking now too!) To be honest I really didn't feel like it as I was feeling pretty exhausted and also a little worried about my Mid Term project that is due this coming week. Nonetheless, we headed out. I wanted to see if we could discover some new trails nearby and we lucked out. We found one that was technical, challenging, and quick in some spots too. Add in some jumps and you have a good variety to keep a smile on your face. *Did I mention the weather was perfect?? 75 degrees, slight breeze and sunny. I can't wait to ride it again! You can tell it isn't ridden much, but that's fine by me. There are some great views as well, so next time I am going to ride with my camera in my camelback.

Well I better get back to my mid term project. As my niece would say, "See ya later awigado."


2 Responses so far.

  1. Alisha says:

    we miss you, what the heck? i need your address for madi's bday party, email it to me! i love the pic's of the kids, so adorable!

  2. Hey Ellis! How are you? Been a long time huh? These are the cutest pics. Some day when we have kids you can take their pics:)