
I am nearly going out of my mind studying for my finals. I have taken a ton of time these past two weeks from work to study and I am stressin big time. Luckily, my Business law final is over and I was fortunate enough to pull off an A in the class. My computer Science class is also done and I got in A there too. I expect an A in my geology class, but wont know until I turn in my term paper (which is late) I was supposed to turn it in 2 weeks ago, then I pleaded with my professor who gave me the chance to turn it in last week, but with all my studying and worrying I forgot to turn it in. Hopefully, he accepts it when I turn it in tomorrow... My last 2 finals are tomorrow morning starting at 8. Economics followed by Math...

Well I better get back to studying, it will all be over soon. :) Too bad I only get 5 days off before my Summer class begins. :(

My apologies if I have not been available and or around much due to my schedule this semester (last 5 months), but school is my highest priority at the moment, and I have not really taken very much time to enjoy my hobbies this semester either (except for my AZ trip which was a mini vacation, but also part of my geology class). Next semester should be better as I don't expect to take such a big class load. This semester felt like suicide at times.
