So last night I went and played (outdoor) Soccer. I have been playing fairly regularly for the last few months, but it has been indoor Soccer. Anyway, it was nice playing outdoor as the pace is much different than indoor. I also ran into a few people that I knew from high school many years ago. To top it off we took the win so that is always a plus too. I have an extremely busy few days coming up as I have mid-terms to study for, a mid-term project, as well as a very busy work schedule for the next 4 days.

Happy Birthday to my buddy Marko (His birthday was yesterday) you can read his wife's blog at

I learned about Dale Chihuly in school today. He is a famous artist for glass blowing. You can see his website at If you have been inside of the Bellagio in Vegas, then you may recognize this work of his . Here is some of his other awe inspiring work... He has many other chandeliers like this as well that he has done...

Ok gotta go study for my Geology test now...


One Response so far.

  1. Alisha says:

    thanks for the shout out :)
    sorry we couldn't hook up for marko's bday, i planned super last minute, i was a bad wife this year..Hope you are having a great day!!