I'm a Pseudo Paparazzi shooting Stars

Sunday was quite the busy day for me. I had some work to do in the morning, so I was up early around 6a.m. Then later I had to head to downtown L.A. for an awards ceremony that the Midnight Mission was putting together to thank some of their donors and volunteers. Learn more about the Midnight Mission here. I am lucky enough to be invited to some of their dinners, awards ceremonies etc, and I always have a great time and there is always some celebrities in attendance. Although I am only one of maybe 2 or perhaps 3 photographers I sometimes feel like a pseudo paparazzi, lol.

Anyways, a regular celebrity is Dick Van Dyke. Who is always in incredibly great spirits, and will even sing and do a little dance too if the mood strikes him. Anthony Hopkins was also in attendance so it was a great time for everyone at the event. I am not the "star struck" type, but I have to admit meeting Anthony Hopkins was pretty cool. He is also a very down to earth individual and genuinely interested in giving back to the community.

Well I have an extremely busy day ahead of me so I have to run for now, but here are some photos...

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One Response so far.

  1. Alisha says:

    So cool! Great pics, especially the second one. I LOVE Anthony Hopkins, he's such a great actor!