Cleveland National Forest

Sunday I had some time and I figured it would be good to go for a mountain bike ride. Although you re not supposed to ride alone, I figured its not that bad of a ride so why not!?!?. Anyways, I went riding in Cleveland National Forest and man did I feel out of shape. The whole way up I kept telling myself "going down will be totally worth it!" Well after losing a lot of sweat and stopping to take views of the scenery and 2500' of elevation I made it to the top.

After taking a rest, it was time to head down. I couldnt have gone more than 40 yards and realized something was wrong. My bike felt weird and I knew something was up. Another basic rule I didn't follow bit me in the butt. I didnt bring a spare tube or pump and my rear tire was flat. Unable to fix it I had to walk all the way down back to my truck. *sigh*

Ahh well at least I got some decent exercise in...