Im Gifted Intellectually

Unfortunately, I dont feel like it and I certainly dont consider myself gifted...

I've been a bit tired and not getting enough sleep lately. I can feel the difference in how I feel and also my lack of wanting to study. I am finding it hard to concentrate in my classes this week and it's all leading me to get frustrated.

Anyhow, I was doing something and i saw one of those free IQ tests, and I figured that I would test myself on how smart I really wasn't... Well here are the results:

Free IQ Test - Free IQ Test

Apparently, a score of 130 means that I am gifted. However that barely meets the minimum score for gifted so maybe that means that I am above average and somehow got lucky on a couple of questions. An average score is technically100, but ranges from 85-114 I suppose. Above average is like 115-129. I certainly don't feel gifted as much as I struggle in my math classes. (Just for reference, Apparently Einstein had an IQ of 160)

Click the link above and see what your scores are it doesnt take too long, so dont worry. I think it took me about 15 or 20 minutes...

Today, Im gonna get Starbucks, study and run errands before school later tonight.