4 Hours of sleep in 48 hours and counting...

So I am a bit sleep deprived at the moment. I have a math test today that I have been studying for, had an economics paper due his morning, and I am sure there is probably something due in my Law class that I haven't got to yet, and wont get to by class time later today. Life has been Work, school/study repeat. Nothing exciting to speak of... I think taking 15 units may have been a mistake this semester especially when I am trying to raise my GPA 1 point by the end of the semester from a 3.4 to a 3.5.

Ok well gotta go study a bit more before my math class.

Here are some random photos from one of my trips to Portland, OR.

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One Response so far.

  1. Anonymous says:

    I love those shots. The light trail shot is great!