Labor Day Weekend, & images from Idaho

Hey all...

Well this weekend I was in Beautiful San Diego. Its been a while since I've been down there and it reminded me of how much I like it. Its such great quick getaway that rewards you with good weather, great people and lots of things to do. Its a great atmosphere...

Unfortunately, I did not bring my camera, but I will have good memories from Old town San Diego and the bomb Mexican food at the Old Town Mexican cafe, Saturday night at Gordon Biersch, and all of the great people I met and hung out with.

On another note, I got some images to post from my vacation in Idaho. Hope you enjoy them...

Found this dead tree while riding ATV's in the backcountry of the Sawtooth Mountains...

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I also ran into this doe...

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More images while camping in the Sawtooths...

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The campfire...

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A trip to the ghost town of Custer... *Side note* check out the clouds! Cloud formations seem to be different than they are in California. It leads to very dramatic skies as you will see in some of the following images...

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Old Sears catalog from 1902!

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And some images from my grandparents back deck overlooking their land/farm....

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Lately, I have had an obsession with developing everything in B&W!!!

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Well I hope you enjoyed the photos... Please feel free to comment, it's good to know people are stopping in.

Until Next time...

3 Responses so far.

  1. Wow! Beautiful photos, Ellis....

  2. Alisha says:

    i'm totally stopping by, i love all of them, we could frame a few at the house! love them! love b&w :)

  3. Anonymous says:

    Great work.