Sunday Aug 20th, 2006

Today was a long family day... This morning I had brunch with Christine and all of her family. It was her birthday and Kelly baked her a special cake. It was decorated like a Luis Vuitton purse. It was sweet (no pun intended) and Christine loved it. Too bad I didn't get a pic of it. The other cake was previewed by the dog as he snuck a few quick licks when nobody was looking, haha. Side note- The quiche was to die for! So Good...
After that I had to make my way over to my family's BBQ.
The BBQ was good, lots more food and I should have ate more. It was great because everybody was there. My immediate family including my sister and her kids. My niece Aspen was a little fussy when she first got there, but she warmed up pretty quick. My youngest niece Aeralyn just giggles like crazy when she gets attention. She gets so excited. I took PCH home, and I started feeling like blah and here I am writing this blog. Well thats it for now and this one is in the record books for blog#1.
Posted picture has no significance to the blog...