Archive for April 2010

I got accepted into UCSD!

So I checked the UCSD admissions status page yesterday and I got into UCSD. I am pretty excited considering SDSU rejected me and UCSD accepted me. I still am waiting to hear back from CSULB (Cal State Long Beach) Cal State Fullerton, and Chapman University.

Roughest Spring Break Ever!

So last week was the beginning of my spring Break. I just returned home from an overnight camping trip to Sequoia National Park with Sirrene. It was her first camping trip ever, and she had a blast. So I was bummed out to come home as it was a really nice weekend there in the mountains.

Anyway, Monday I don't recall what I did. I think I just tried to catch up on "stuff."

Tuesday I drove down to Encinitas for my dental cleaning at Sirrene's office. Sirrene came over later and we went for a super short 20 minute bike ride in the Santa Rosa Plateau's before heading back home to get ready for my soccer game. It was our first playoff game and we were tied 0-0 for most of the game. With Sirrene my friend Nisar, Greg and Kelly from work, and my team watching, things turned bad for me. About 3/4 of the way through the game I was making my way up the field, and after getting by a defender (who I didn't think followed me) I turned right back into him and immediately planted my foot into the turf. At the same moment the player ran right into me and also made a hard tackle/kick that sent my lower leg twisting around. I immediately dropped to the ground after feeling my tibia and femur rotate against each other in opposite directions. I was immediately filled with fear and pain. Fear of what I had done and the circumstances that there was a good chance I tore some ligaments such as my ACL in my left knee. (I tore my acl on my right knee playing soccer as a senior in High School, and a couple of years later my mcl snowboarding both times also managing to damage meniscus). Not long after I left the game our opponents scored and followed it up with another goal a couple of minutes after that one to seal their win and our defeat.

Anyway, the rest of the week was spent on Crutches. Not very much fun, I spent my time between my bed and the couch downstairs. Luckily Sirrene helped me tuesday night with anything I needed. Including water, pain pills, food, ice, etc.

Wednesday after Sirrene got off work, she tricked me by saying she was going to a friends house. While she drove to her friend's house she made me talk to her on the phone. Come to find out she was driving over to my place with some dinner that she had made and some of my favorite ice cream. She once again took care of anything I needed as I couldn't get around well let alone carry anything like a glass of water to wherever I was.

Thursday - My brother Landon went skydiving so I watched him go do that crazy act. I rode around one of the motorized carts at WinCo foods.

Friday - Did nada all day except R.I.C.E. (rest, ice, compression, elevation)

Saturday - Sirrene cruised over in the evening and we just hung out talking with my dad. After that we went in the backyard and hung with my youngest brother Andrew, his friend Matt, and Landon. I busted out the last of the smore's I had from camping the weekend before and we just talked and all hung out.

Easter Sunday - Sirrene was a bit irritated with me for some unknown reason that she couldn't even figure out and so it made me a bit frustrated. I ended up asking her, "why don't you just go home then?" She said fine I will. Luckily, she stayed and things got better. I wanted to go for a drive and so I took my truck and we started driving in the hills near my house exploring the hills, large mansions, and vast views. we stopped at one spot and talked for a while and it was a slight bit breezy, but overall it was great standing on top of a mountain being under the beautiful sun. After a while, it was time to head back to the house to meet up with the rest of the family as Easter dinner would be ready soon. When we got back my sister, brother in law, and their kids were already over. It was good to see them as I haven't seen them for a week or so. My Aunt Laura came soon after as well with her two kids Sophie and Noah. We ate dinner, had cheesecake, and I showed Sirrene a little bit about soccer.

All in all it was a boring week as I was very limited to what I could do. However, Sirrene has done a good job of keeping my spirits up this week and has been incredibly helpful in so many ways. Simply put, she has been amazing and I can't thank her enough.