Archive for August 2009

Random Photo of the Day

Random photo from a small village in the mountains of Japan...

(Sorry about the links getting in the way, its either smaller photos or dealing with the text. Unless someone knows how to reformat the blog page better than I do??)

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Hope everyone has a great day!

Last week was a Good week!

Despite going back to school last week was pretty good. Wednesday I spent the day at the beach in La Jolla kayaking, snorkeling and working on my sunburn. I knew I should have put sunscreen on. Luckily its not too bad and I am not suffering anymore until I get diagnosed with skin cancer in 15 years from now. The water was so warm, and was crystal clear too. Seals, tiger sharks, and lots of fish to be seen. The new position at work makes time fly by when I'm working so that's good too. :) I am working on trying to get my fall photography stuff going too so as always, Im keepin busy! Anyway, I wish I had something more to write, but this is all I want to have publicly known I suppose. Here are a couple pics from La Jolla last week.

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Babysitting my Nieces and Nephew

Well a couple of days ago I babysat my nieces and my nephew. We always have fun as they are definitely a unique fun loving bunch! My nephew is really into computer games and Wii but I was able to tear him away for a lil bit so we could all go to the park. I decided that I should bring the camera since I havn't been able to shoot much lately. Anyhow here are some shots...

The Bunch
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