Archive for March 2009

Malick Family Preview

Well as mentioned yesterday I shot the kids of the Malick family. They are such a fun bunch and each one has such unique personality. More later, but I gotta run enjoy the pics...

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Hard work pays off...

So I have been working really hard (in my personal opinion) on all of my classes despite all of the hours I am working with my jobs. Each week is a struggle it seems just to try to keep up with assignments (I am behind on reading and don't see how I can keep up with it). Despite my lifelong struggles with Math I am doing Ok with it this semester. I took a test last Monday, and got it back today and I got another B! I was really hoping for an A, but I guess I can settle for an A. I also had a test in my law class last week. I have to say it was pretty tough. Quite a few of the questions were pretty much the same, but the wording was different and all "lawyerish" sounding, lol. P.S. I am putting a copyright on the word lawyerish. Look for it in Websters Dictionary by 2012. Despite my B's I have been getting, I really want A's. With Mid terms looming on the horizon I am getting nervous. I am really trying to bump my GPA from a 3.4 to a 3.5. I really think the only way I can do it is to work less so I can study a bit more. I think it will provide the extra bit I need to start pulling some A's. I don't think I want to take 15 units again... It is a lot of work and my grades are suffering a little bit because of it. I am impressed that I am doing as well as I am, but it was a bad move I think when I am trying to raise my GPA, taking an extra class and working full time. It might be time to look at my financial situation again and see where I can cut back...

I have been sick for almost a week and when you are already exhausted and then get sick, it really sets you back. Luckily today, I had a quick photo shoot to lift my spirits. We took advantage of some Wildflowers to shoot around and I cant wait to go through the photos! I should have some posted within the next 3-4 days...